Disable Comment Function on WordPress when in Cyrillic: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Heiner - hkhazo.biz.id

Disable Comment Function on WordPress when in Cyrillic: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with spam comments on your WordPress site, especially when it comes to Cyrillic characters? Do you want to learn how to disable the comment function on your WordPress site when in Cyrillic? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you through a comprehensive guide on how to achieve this feat.

Why Disable Comments in Cyrillic?

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s explore the reasons why you might want to disable comments in Cyrillic. Spam comments are a major nuisance for WordPress site owners, and Cyrillic characters can make it even harder to moderate and filter out unwanted comments. Here are some reasons why you might want to disable comments in Cyrillic:

  • Spam comments: Spam comments can harm your site’s reputation and even lead to security breaches. Cyrillic characters can make it difficult to identify and filter out spam comments.
  • Language barriers: If your site is not intended for a Russian-speaking audience, it’s likely that you’ll receive comments in Cyrillic that you may not be able to understand or moderate effectively.
  • Site performance: Excessive comments, especially in Cyrillic, can slow down your site’s performance and impact user experience.

Method 1: Using a Plugin

One of the easiest ways to disable comments in Cyrillic is by using a plugin. There are several plugins available that can help you achieve this. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the “Comment Manager” plugin:

Step 1: Install and activate the Comment Manager plugin from the WordPress repository.

Step 2: Go to the plugin’s settings page by clicking on “Comment Manager” in the WordPress dashboard.

Step 3: In the settings page, scroll down to the “Comment Filtering” section.

Step 4: In the “Comment Filtering” section, select the “Disable comments in Cyrillic” option.

Step 5: Click on “Save Changes” to apply the settings.

function disable_cyrillic_comments() {
    if (isset($_POST['comment']) && mb_detect_encoding($_POST['comment'], 'UTF-8', true) === 'UTF-8' && preg_match('/[\x{0410}-\x{044F}\x{0510}-\x{052F}\x{0531}-\x{0556}]$/u', $_POST['comment'])) {
        wp_die(__('Comments in Cyrillic are not allowed'));
add_action('pre_comment_on_post', 'disable_cyrillic_comments');

This code snippet uses the `mb_detect_encoding` function to detect the encoding of the comment and the `preg_match` function to match Cyrillic characters. If the comment is in Cyrillic, the `wp_die` function is used to display an error message.

Method 2: Using a Custom Function

If you’re not comfortable using a plugin, you can also disable comments in Cyrillic by adding a custom function to your theme’s functions.php file. Here’s an example code snippet:

function disable_cyrillic_comments($comment) {
    if (preg_match('/[\x{0410}-\x{044F}\x{0510}-\x{052F}\x{0531}-\x{0556}]$/u', $comment)) {
        return false;
    return $comment;
add_filter('preprocess_comment', 'disable_cyrillic_comments');

This code snippet uses the `preg_match` function to match Cyrillic characters in the comment. If the comment is in Cyrillic, the function returns `false`, which prevents the comment from being saved.

Method 3: Editing the WordPress Core Files

Warning: Editing the WordPress core files is not recommended as it can cause compatibility issues and make it difficult to update your WordPress installation in the future. However, if you’re comfortable with editing the core files, you can disable comments in Cyrillic by modifying the `wp-comments-post.php` file.

Step 1: Locate the `wp-comments-post.php` file in the `wp-includes` directory.

Step 2: Open the file in a text editor and find the following line of code:

$comment_content = trim($_POST['comment']);

Step 3: Add the following code snippet below the line:

if (preg_match('/[\x{0410}-\x{044F}\x{0510}-\x{052F}\x{0531}-\x{0556}]$/u', $comment_content)) {
    wp_die(__('Comments in Cyrillic are not allowed'));

Step 4: Save the changes to the file.


Disabling comments in Cyrillic on your WordPress site can help you reduce spam comments and improve site performance. In this article, we’ve explored three methods to achieve this: using a plugin, using a custom function, and editing the WordPress core files. Remember to choose the method that best suits your needs and expertise level.

By following the instructions in this article, you can effectively disable comments in Cyrillic and create a better commenting experience for your users.

Method Description Difficulty Level
Using a Plugin Easy to install and configure Easy
Using a Custom Function Requires adding code to the theme’s functions.php file Moderate
Editing the WordPress Core Files Requires editing the WordPress core files Advanced

Remember to always backup your site before making any changes, and test your site thoroughly after implementing the chosen method.


  1. Will disabling comments in Cyrillic affect my site’s SEO? No, disabling comments in Cyrillic should not affect your site’s SEO. However, it’s essential to ensure that your site’s comment system is still accessible and user-friendly for legitimate users.
  2. Can I disable comments in Cyrillic for specific pages or posts? Yes, you can use a plugin or custom code to disable comments in Cyrillic for specific pages or posts. This may require more advanced coding skills.
  3. What if I want to allow comments in Cyrillic for specific users? You can use a plugin or custom code to allow comments in Cyrillic for specific users or user roles. This may require more advanced coding skills.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide on how to disable comments in Cyrillic on your WordPress site. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on disabling comment function on WordPress when in Cyrillic!

Why would I want to disable comments on my WordPress site when using Cyrillic characters?

Disabling comments can be a good idea if you’re using Cyrillic characters on your WordPress site and you’re experiencing issues with spam comments or trolls taking advantage of the language barrier. It can also help reduce clutter and keep your site organized.

Will disabling comments affect my website’s SEO?

Disabling comments on your WordPress site shouldn’t significantly impact your website’s SEO. However, it’s worth noting that comments can provide valuable user-generated content, which can be beneficial for search engine rankings. But if you’re dealing with spam or troll comments, disabling them might be a necessary evil!

Can I disable comments on specific pages or posts only?

Yes, you can! Most WordPress themes and plugins allow you to disable comments on specific pages or posts. You can usually find this option in the page or post settings. Just look for the “Allow comments” or “Discussion” section, and toggle the switch to disable comments.

Will disabling comments affect my site’s user engagement?

Disabling comments might affect user engagement, but it depends on your audience and the type of content you’re publishing. If you’re mainly sharing informative or tutorial content, users might not expect to engage in discussions. However, if you’re publishing opinion pieces or debates, disabling comments could reduce user engagement.

Are there any alternative solutions to disabling comments altogether?

Yes, there are! You could consider using comment moderation tools, such as Akismet or Disqus, to help filter out spam and troll comments. You could also implement a login or registration requirement for commenting, which can help reduce unwanted comments.

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