Send !DOCTYPE inside XML content using Refit: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Send !DOCTYPE inside XML content using Refit: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of struggling to send XML content with a !DOCTYPE declaration using Refit? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of code, trying to figure out why your API requests are failing? Fear not, dear developer, for this article is here to rescue you from the depths of API despair!

What is Refit?

Before we dive into the juicy stuff, let’s take a step back and talk about Refit. Refit is a popular .NET library for building RESTful APIs with ease. It provides a simple and intuitive way to create HTTP clients that can be used to make API requests. With Refit, you can focus on writing clean and maintainable code, without worrying about the underlying HTTP plumbing.

What is !DOCTYPE?

Now, let’s talk about !DOCTYPE. In XML, the !DOCTYPE declaration is used to define the document type and specify the document’s structure. It’s an essential part of XML, as it tells the parser how to interpret the document’s contents. When sending XML content over the wire, it’s crucial to include the !DOCTYPE declaration to ensure that the receiving end can parse the document correctly.

The Problem: Sending !DOCTYPE with Refit

So, why is it so hard to send !DOCTYPE inside XML content using Refit? The answer lies in Refit’s default behavior. By default, Refit serializes XML content using the `XmlSerializer` class, which strips out the !DOCTYPE declaration. This is because the `XmlSerializer` is designed to serialize .NET objects, not raw XML content.

This means that when you try to send XML content with a !DOCTYPE declaration using Refit, the declaration gets lost in translation. The receiving end receives a parsed XML document without the !DOCTYPE declaration, which can lead to parsing errors and headaches galore.

The Solution: Customizing Refit’s XML Serialization

Fear not, dear developer, for there is a solution to this problem! To send !DOCTYPE inside XML content using Refit, you need to customize Refit’s XML serialization behavior. Here’s how:

Step 1: Create a Custom XML Serializer

The first step is to create a custom XML serializer that preserves the !DOCTYPE declaration. You can do this by creating a new class that inherits from `XmlSerializer` and overrides the `Serialize` method.

public class CustomXmlSerializer : XmlSerializer
    public CustomXmlSerializer(Type type)
        : base(type)

    public override void Serialize(XmlWriter writer, object o)
        var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
        xmlDoc.XmlDeclaration.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null);
        var xmlNode = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.DocumentType, "!DOCTYPE", "");

        using (var textWriter = new StringWriter())
            base.Serialize(textWriter, o);
            var xmlString = textWriter.ToString();
            xmlDoc.InnerXml = xmlString;


In this custom serializer, we’re creating a new `XmlDocument` and adding the !DOCTYPE declaration manually. We then use the base `XmlSerializer` to serialize the object, and finally save the resulting XML document to the writer.

Step 2: Configure Refit to Use the Custom Serializer

The next step is to configure Refit to use our custom serializer. You can do this by creating a new instance of `RefitSettings` and setting the `XmlSerializer` property to an instance of our custom serializer.

var settings = new RefitSettings(new CustomXmlSerializer(typeof(MyXmlObject)));
var client = new RefitClient(settings);

In this example, `MyXmlObject` is the type of the object we want to serialize as XML.

Step 3: Send the XML Content

Now that we’ve configured Refit to use our custom serializer, we can send the XML content with the !DOCTYPE declaration. Here’s an example:

var myObject = new MyXmlObject { /* initialize object properties */ };
var content = new StringContent(client.SerializeObject(myObject), Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml");
var response = await client.PostAsync("", content);

In this example, we’re creating a new instance of `MyXmlObject` and serializing it to a string using our custom serializer. We then create a new `StringContent` object and set its `MediaType` property to `text/xml`. Finally, we post the content to the API endpoint using Refit.


And that’s it! With these simple steps, you can send !DOCTYPE inside XML content using Refit. By customizing Refit’s XML serialization behavior, you can ensure that your API requests are successful and your XML content is parsed correctly.

Remember, when it comes to sending XML content over the wire, it’s essential to include the !DOCTYPE declaration. With Refit and our custom serializer, you can rest assured that your API requests will be successful and your XML content will be parsed correctly.

Step Description
1 Create a custom XML serializer that preserves the !DOCTYPE declaration.
2 Configure Refit to use the custom serializer.
3 Send the XML content with the !DOCTYPE declaration using Refit.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to send !DOCTYPE inside XML content using Refit and ensure that your API requests are successful.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Why does Refit strip out the !DOCTYPE declaration?

    A: Refit strips out the !DOCTYPE declaration because the `XmlSerializer` class is designed to serialize .NET objects, not raw XML content. When serializing XML content, the `XmlSerializer` assumes that the !DOCTYPE declaration is not necessary.

  • Q: How do I preserve the !DOCTYPE declaration when serializing XML content?

    A: You can preserve the !DOCTYPE declaration by creating a custom XML serializer that adds the declaration manually. This custom serializer can then be used to serialize the XML content.

And that’s it! With this comprehensive guide, you should now be able to send !DOCTYPE inside XML content using Refit. Remember to customize Refit’s XML serialization behavior and use our custom serializer to preserve the !DOCTYPE declaration.

Additional Resources

For more information on Refit and XML serialization, check out the following resources:

  1. Refit GitHub Repository
  2. Serializing XML Data (MSDN)
  3. XML 1.0 Specification (W3C)

We hope you found this article helpful! If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.


In conclusion, sending !DOCTYPE inside XML content using Refit is a straightforward process that requires customizing Refit’s XML serialization behavior. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your API requests are successful and your XML content is parsed correctly.

Remember, when it comes to sending XML content over the wire, it’s essential to include the !DOCTYPE declaration. With Refit and our custom serializer, you can rest assured that your API requests will be successful and your XML content will be parsed correctly.

Happy coding!

Here is the HTML code for 5 Questions and Answers about “Send !DOCTYPE inside XML content using Refit”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get your queries answered about sending !DOCTYPE inside XML content using Refit!

Can I send !DOCTYPE declaration inside XML content using Refit?

Yes, you can send !DOCTYPE declaration inside XML content using Refit by setting the `PreserveDtd` property to `true` on the `XmlSerializer` instance.

How do I configure Refit to preserve the !DOCTYPE declaration?

You can configure Refit to preserve the !DOCTYPE declaration by creating an instance of `XmlSerializer` with `new XmlSerializer(typeof(string), new XmlAttributeOverrides(), new Type[] { }, null, null, “”, true)`. Then, pass this instance to the `RefitSettings` constructor.

What happens if I don’t set the `PreserveDtd` property to `true`?

If you don’t set the `PreserveDtd` property to `true`, Refit will not include the !DOCTYPE declaration in the XML content, which may cause issues with the XML parser on the receiving end.

Is there a way to customize the !DOCTYPE declaration using Refit?

Unfortunately, Refit does not provide a built-in way to customize the !DOCTYPE declaration. However, you can use a custom `XmlWriter` implementation to achieve this.

Are there any performance implications of sending !DOCTYPE declaration using Refit?

Sending !DOCTYPE declaration using Refit may have a slight performance impact due to the additional overhead of serializing the declaration. However, this impact is usually negligible unless you’re dealing with extremely large XML payloads.

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