Unlocking the Power of Variables: How to Use a Variable from Another Component Containing HTML and AngularMaterial Tooltips
Image by Heiner - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Variables: How to Use a Variable from Another Component Containing HTML and AngularMaterial Tooltips

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If you’re an Angular developer, you’re probably no stranger to the world of components, templates, and variables. But what happens when you need to access a variable from another component, and that component contains HTML and AngularMaterial tooltips? Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to demystify this seemingly daunting task.

Understanding the Problem

Imagine you have two components: `ComponentA` and `ComponentB`. `ComponentA` contains a variable `myVariable` that you want to use in `ComponentB`. Sounds simple, right? But what if `ComponentA` also contains HTML and AngularMaterial tooltips that need to be preserved when accessing `myVariable` in `ComponentB`?

This is where things get tricky. By default, Angular doesn’t allow direct access to variables from other components, especially when those variables are wrapped in HTML and tooltips. But don’t worry, we’ve got a plan to overcome this hurdle.

The Solution: Using a Shared Service

One of the most elegant ways to share variables between components is by using a shared service. A shared service is a class that holds the shared data and provides methods to access and manipulate that data.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class MyService {
  myVariable: string;

  constructor() { }

  setMyVariable(value: string) {
    this.myVariable = value;

  getMyVariable() {
    return this.myVariable;

In the example above, we’ve created a shared service called `MyService` that holds the `myVariable` property. We’ve also defined two methods: `setMyVariable` to set the value of `myVariable`, and `getMyVariable` to retrieve its value.

ComponentA: Setting the Variable

Now, let’s update `ComponentA` to use the shared service and set the value of `myVariable`:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { MyService } from './my.service';

  selector: 'app-component-a',
  template: `
      <mat-tooltip>This is a tooltip!</mat-tooltip>
export class ComponentA {
  constructor(private myService: MyService) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.myService.setMyVariable('Hello from ComponentA!');

In the example above, we’ve injected the `MyService` into `ComponentA` and set the value of `myVariable` using the `setMyVariable` method in the `ngOnInit` lifecycle hook.

ComponentB: Accessing the Variable

Now that we’ve set the value of `myVariable` in `ComponentA`, let’s access it in `ComponentB`:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { MyService } from './my.service';

  selector: 'app-component-b',
  template: `
      <p>myVariable: {{ myService.getMyVariable() }}</p>
export class ComponentB {
  constructor(public myService: MyService) { }

In the example above, we’ve injected the `MyService` into `ComponentB` and accessed the value of `myVariable` using the `getMyVariable` method in the template.

Preserving HTML and AngularMaterial Tooltips

But wait! We’re not done yet. We still need to preserve the HTML and AngularMaterial tooltips from `ComponentA` when accessing `myVariable` in `ComponentB`.

To achieve this, we can use the `DomSanitizer` service to sanitize the HTML and AngularMaterial tooltips before passing them to `ComponentB`.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { MyService } from './my.service';
import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';

  selector: 'app-component-a',
  template: `
      <mat-tooltip>This is a tooltip!</mat-tooltip>
export class ComponentA {
  constructor(private myService: MyService, private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
    const html = '<p>This is some HTML!</p><mat-tooltip>This is a tooltip!</mat-tooltip>';
    const sanitizedHtml = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(html);

In the updated `ComponentA`, we’ve used the `DomSanitizer` to sanitize the HTML and AngularMaterial tooltips before setting the value of `myVariable` using the `setMyVariable` method.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { MyService } from './my.service';
import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';

  selector: 'app-component-b',
  template: `
      <div [innerHTML]="myService.getMyVariable()"></div>
export class ComponentB {
  constructor(public myService: MyService, private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) { }

In the updated `ComponentB`, we’ve used the `innerHTML` property to render the sanitized HTML and AngularMaterial tooltips from `myVariable`.


And there you have it! We’ve successfully accessed a variable from another component containing HTML and AngularMaterial tooltips. By using a shared service and the `DomSanitizer` service, we’ve overcome the limitations of Angular’s component tree and preserved the HTML and tooltips intact.

Remember, when working with complex Angular applications, it’s essential to think creatively and use the right tools for the job. With a solid understanding of shared services and sanitization, you’ll be able to tackle even the most daunting challenges that come your way.

Component Variable HTML and Tooltips
ComponentA myVariable <p>This is some HTML!</p><mat-tooltip>This is a tooltip!</mat-tooltip>
ComponentB myService.getMyVariable() <div [innerHTML]=”myService.getMyVariable()”></div>

By following these steps, you’ll be able to share variables between components while preserving the HTML and AngularMaterial tooltips. Happy coding!

  • Use a shared service to share variables between components.
  • Sanitize HTML and AngularMaterial tooltips using the `DomSanitizer` service.
  • Access the shared variable in the target component using the shared service.
  • Use the `innerHTML` property to render the sanitized HTML and tooltips.
  1. Create a shared service to hold the shared variable.
  2. In the source component, set the value of the shared variable using the shared service.
  3. In the target component, access the shared variable using the shared service.
  4. Sanitize the HTML and AngularMaterial tooltips using the `DomSanitizer` service.
  5. Render the sanitized HTML and tooltips in the target component using the `innerHTML` property.

Remember to always follow best practices and keep your code organized and maintainable. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How do I use a variable from another component containing HTML and AngularMaterial Tooltips?”

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers you need to master AngularMaterial Tooltips and HTML variables!

Q1: How do I access a variable from another component in Angular?

You can access a variable from another component in Angular by using a shared service or by using the `@Input()` decorator to pass data from a parent component to a child component. Alternatively, you can also use a state management system like NgRx or Redux to share data between components.

Q2: How do I display HTML content inside an AngularMaterial Tooltip?

You can display HTML content inside an AngularMaterial Tooltip by using the `matTooltip` directive and setting the `matTooltipHtml` property to the HTML content you want to display. For example, `Tooltip!`. Make sure to sanitize the HTML content to prevent XSS attacks!

Q3: Can I use a variable from a parent component in a child component’s Tooltip?

Yes, you can use a variable from a parent component in a child component’s Tooltip by using the `@Input()` decorator to pass the variable from the parent component to the child component. Then, you can use the variable in the Tooltip by binding it to the `matTooltip` directive.

Q4: How do I sanitize HTML content to prevent XSS attacks in Angular?

You can sanitize HTML content to prevent XSS attacks in Angular by using the `DomSanitizer` service. For example, `const sanitizedHtml = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(myHtmlContent);`. This will mark the HTML content as trusted, and Angular will not strip out any HTML tags.

Q5: Can I use a shared service to share data between components and use it in a Tooltip?

Yes, you can use a shared service to share data between components and use it in a Tooltip. Simply inject the shared service into the component that displays the Tooltip, and then use the service to retrieve the data and bind it to the Tooltip.