Unlock the Power of Odoo 16: A Step-by-Step Guide to Hiding “Section-Financials” from the ProductInfoPopup in POS Screen
Image by Heiner - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Odoo 16: A Step-by-Step Guide to Hiding “Section-Financials” from the ProductInfoPopup in POS Screen

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Are you tired of cluttered ProductInfoPopup in your Odoo 16 POS screen? Do you want to streamline your customer checkout experience and focus on what matters most? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and show you exactly how to hide the “section-financials” section from the ProductInfoPopup, giving you the freedom to customize your POS screen like a pro.

What is the ProductInfoPopup in Odoo 16?

The ProductInfoPopup is a powerful feature in Odoo 16 that provides customers with essential product information during checkout. By default, it displays a wealth of information, including product details, prices, and financial data. While this is useful for some businesses, others may find it overwhelming or unnecessary. That’s where this tutorial comes in – to help you tailor the ProductInfoPopup to your specific needs.

Why Hide “Section-Financials” from the ProductInfoPopup?

There are several reasons why you might want to hide the “section-financials” section from the ProductInfoPopup:

  • Clutter reduction**: By removing unnecessary sections, you can declutter the ProductInfoPopup and make it easier for customers to find the information they need.
  • Customization**: Hiding “section-financials” allows you to tailor the ProductInfoPopup to your specific business needs, providing a more personalized experience for your customers.
  • Security**: If you handle sensitive financial information, hiding the “section-financials” section can help protect your customers’ data.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Hide “Section-Financials” from the ProductInfoPopup

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of hiding “section-financials”, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how to do it. Follow these steps carefully to achieve the desired result:

Step 1: Create a New Module

In Odoo 16, create a new module by going to Settings > Configuration > Modules > Create. Name your module (e.g., “pos_hide_financials”) and add a brief description.

        'name': 'pos_hide_financials',
        'version': '1.0',
        'description': 'Hides the "section-financials" section from the ProductInfoPopup in POS screen',
        'author': 'Your Name',
        'depends': ['point_of_sale'],
        'data': [],
        'installable': True,
        'auto_install': False,

Step 2: Add the Required Dependencies

In the `__init__.py` file of your module, add the following code to import the necessary dependencies:

    from odoo import api, fields, models

Step 3: Create a New JavaScript File

Create a new JavaScript file named `hide_financials.js` in the `static/src/js` directory of your module. This file will contain the code that modifies the ProductInfoPopup:

    odoo.define('pos_hide_financials.hide_financials', function(require) {
        "use strict";
        var POSModel = require('point_of_sale.models');
        var screens = require('point_of_sale.screens');
        // Modify the ProductInfoPopup to hide "section-financials"
            renderElement: function() {
                var self = this;

Step 4: Add the JavaScript File to the POS Assets

In the `__manifest__.py` file, add the `hide_financials.js` file to the `pos_assets` section:

    'data': [],
    'pos_assets': [
        ('js', 'pos_hide_financials', 'static/src/js/hide_financials.js'),

Step 5: Install and Configure the Module

Install your module by going to Settings > Configuration > Modules > Install and selecting your module. Once installed, go to Settings > Configuration > Point of Sale > Point of Sale Configuration and add the module to the list of installed modules.


Hiding the “section-financials” section from the ProductInfoPopup in Odoo 16’s POS screen is a simple yet powerful customization that can enhance your customer experience and improve your business operations. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can tailor the ProductInfoPopup to your specific needs and take your POS screen to the next level.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues during the installation or configuration process, here are some troubleshooting tips to keep in mind:

  1. Check the module dependencies**: Ensure that the `point_of_sale` module is installed and configured correctly.
  2. Verify the JavaScript code**: Double-check the `hide_financials.js` file for any syntax errors or typos.
  3. Clear the browser cache**: Sometimes, clearing the browser cache can resolve issues with JavaScript files not loading correctly.
Module Version Odoo Version Status
1.0 16.0 Stable


Here are some frequently asked questions about hiding “section-financials” from the ProductInfoPopup in Odoo 16:

  • Q: Can I hide other sections from the ProductInfoPopup? A: Yes, you can modify the JavaScript code to hide other sections as needed.
  • Q: Will this module affect other Odoo 16 features? A: No, this module is designed to only affect the ProductInfoPopup in the POS screen.
  • Q: Is this module compatible with other Odoo 16 modules? A: Yes, this module is designed to be compatible with other Odoo 16 modules. However, it’s always a good idea to test compatibility before deploying to a production environment.

There you have it – a comprehensive guide to hiding “section-financials” from the ProductInfoPopup in Odoo 16’s POS screen. With these step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to customize your ProductInfoPopup and provide a better experience for your customers. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of Odoo 16 and master the art of customizing your POS screen!

How do I identify the “section-financials” in the ProductInfoPopup in Odoo 16 POS?

Easy peasy! To identify the “section-financials” in the ProductInfoPopup, navigate to the POS screen, click on a product, and then inspect the HTML elements using your browser’s developer tools. Look for the HTML element with the class “section-financials” – that’s the one you want to hide!

What is the correct way to hide the “section-financials” in the ProductInfoPopup using Odoo 16?

To hide the “section-financials”, you’ll need to create a custom module and override the `ProductInfoPopup` template. Then, add a CSS rule to hide the “section-financials” element using `.o_Popup_product_template .section-financials { display: none; }`. Easy!

Can I use a custom CSS file to hide the “section-financials” in the ProductInfoPopup?

Yes, you can! Create a custom CSS file and add the following rule: `.o_Popup_product_template .section-financials { display: none; }`. Then, include this CSS file in your custom module’s `__manifest__.py` file. Finally, update your module and restart your Odoo server – voilà!

Will hiding the “section-financials” affect other parts of my Odoo 16 POS?

Fear not! Hiding the “section-financials” using the methods mentioned above will only affect the ProductInfoPopup in the POS screen. It won’t impact other parts of your Odoo 16 POS or other modules.

What if I encounter issues while trying to hide the “section-financials” in the ProductInfoPopup?

Don’t worry! If you encounter any issues, check your custom code, ensure that your CSS rule is correct, and verify that your module is properly installed and updated. If all else fails, reach out to the Odoo community or a certified Odoo partner for assistance.

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