Async Python: Bidirectional Communication with a Child Process using Named Pipes
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Async Python: Bidirectional Communication with a Child Process using Named Pipes

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Are you tired of dealing with cumbersome inter-process communication (IPC) methods in Python? Do you want to unlock the full potential of your multiprocessing applications? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the world of async Python and demonstrate how to achieve bidirectional communication with a child process using named pipes.

What are Named Pipes?

Advantages of Named Pipes

  • Efficient: Named pipes provide a lightweight and efficient way to communicate between processes, with minimal overhead.
  • Flexible: Named pipes can be used for both synchronous and asynchronous communication.
  • Scalable: Named pipes can handle large amounts of data and support multiple concurrent connections.

Setting up a Named Pipe in Python

To create a named pipe in Python, we’ll use the `os` module and the `mkfifo` function, which creates a new FIFO special file.

import os

pipe_name = "/tmp/my_pipe"

Make sure to replace `”/tmp/my_pipe”` with a suitable path and name for your pipe.

Writing to a Named Pipe

To write to a named pipe, you’ll need to open the pipe in write mode (`”w”` or `”wb”` for binary data) and use the `write` method.

import os

pipe_name = "/tmp/my_pipe"

with open(pipe_name, "w") as pipe:
    pipe.write("Hello, child process!")

In this example, we open the named pipe in write mode and write a simple message to the pipe.

Reading from a Named Pipe

To read from a named pipe, you’ll need to open the pipe in read mode (`”r”` or `”rb”` for binary data) and use the `read` method.

import os

pipe_name = "/tmp/my_pipe"

with open(pipe_name, "r") as pipe:
    message =
    print(f"Received message: {message}")

In this example, we open the named pipe in read mode and read the message written by the parent process.

Bidirectional Communication using Named Pipes and Asyncio

Now that we’ve covered the basics of named pipes, let’s dive into bidirectional communication using asyncio. We’ll create a simple example that demonstrates how to send messages between a parent and child process.

import os
import asyncio

pipe_name = "/tmp/my_pipe"

async def parent_process():
    # Create the named pipe

    # Open the pipe in write mode
    with open(pipe_name, "w") as pipe:
        # Write a message to the pipe
        pipe.write("Hello, child process!")

        # Wait for the child process to respond
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

        # Read the response from the child process
        with open(pipe_name, "r") as pipe:
            response =
            print(f"Received response: {response}")

async def child_process():
    # Open the pipe in read mode
    with open(pipe_name, "r") as pipe:
        # Read the message from the parent process
        message =
        print(f"Received message: {message}")

    # Write a response back to the parent process
    with open(pipe_name, "w") as pipe:
        pipe.write("Hello, parent process!")

# Create the child process
child_task = asyncio.create_task(child_process())

# Run the parent process

# Wait for the child process to complete
await child_task

In this example, we create a named pipe and use asyncio to asynchronously communicate between the parent and child processes. The parent process writes a message to the pipe, waits for a response, and then reads the response from the pipe. The child process reads the message from the pipe, writes a response back to the pipe, and waits for the parent process to read the response.

Real-World Applications of Async Python and Named Pipes

The combination of async Python and named pipes opens up a world of possibilities for building efficient and scalable applications. Here are a few real-world applications:

Application Description
Real-time Data Processing Use named pipes to stream data between processes, allowing for real-time processing and analysis.
Distributed Computing Implement distributed computing using named pipes to communicate between nodes, enabling parallel processing and scalability.
Microservices Architecture Use named pipes to communicate between microservices, enabling efficient and scalable communication between components.

By leveraging async Python and named pipes, you can build high-performance applications that take advantage of multiple CPU cores, improve throughput, and reduce latency.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of async Python and demonstrated how to achieve bidirectional communication with a child process using named pipes. By combining the power of asyncio and named pipes, you can unlock the full potential of your multiprocessing applications and build efficient, scalable, and high-performance systems.

Remember to experiment with different use cases and applications to get the most out of async Python and named pipes. Happy coding!

Keywords: Async Python, Bidirectional Communication, Child Process, Named Pipes, IPC, Inter-Process Communication, Microservices, Distributed Computing, Real-time Data Processing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to dive into the world of async Python and bidirectional communication with child processes using named pipes!

What are named pipes, and how do they enable bidirectional communication?

Named pipes are a type of inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism that allows data to be exchanged between processes. They create a pipe that can be accessed by a name, enabling multiple processes to communicate with each other. In the context of async Python, named pipes enable bidirectional communication between a parent process and a child process, allowing them to exchange data in both directions.

How do I create a named pipe in Python?

You can create a named pipe in Python using the `os` module. Specifically, you need to use the `mkfifo` function, which creates a named pipe with the specified name. For example: `os.mkfifo(‘my_pipe’)`. Once created, you can use the pipe to communicate with a child process.

What’s the difference between a named pipe and a socket?

Named pipes and sockets are both IPC mechanisms, but they differ in their scope and functionality. Named pipes are limited to communication between processes on the same machine, whereas sockets can be used for communication between processes on different machines over a network. Named pipes are also more lightweight and easier to set up than sockets.

How do I handle errors when working with named pipes in async Python?

When working with named pipes in async Python, you should be prepared to handle errors such as pipe breaking, connection closing, and timeouts. You can use try-except blocks to catch exceptions and errors, and implement error handling mechanisms such as retrying failed operations or reconnecting to the pipe.

Can I use named pipes with async libraries like asyncio and trio?

Yes, you can use named pipes with async libraries like asyncio and trio. These libraries provide support for asynchronous I/O operations, which can be used to read and write data to named pipes. You can use async/await syntax to write asynchronous code that interacts with named pipes, making it easier to write concurrent and efficient code.

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